Flurl.Http includes a robust set of options and techniques for configuring its behavior at various levels.
Flurl is configurable primarily through a Settings
property available on IFlurlClient
, IFlurlRequest
, IFlurlClientBuilder
, and HttpTest
. Here are the available settings:
Setting | Type | Default Value |
Timeout | TimeSpan? | 100 seconds |
HttpVersion | string | "1.1" |
AllowedHttpStatusRange | string | null ("2xx,3xx", effectively) |
Redirects.Enabled | bool | true |
Redirects.AllowSecureToInsecure | bool | false |
Redirects.ForwardHeaders | bool | false |
Redirects.ForwardAuthorizationHeader | bool | false |
Redirects.MaxAutoRedirects | int | 10 |
JsonSerializer | ISerializer | DefaultJsonSerializer |
UrlEncodedSerializer | ISerializer | UrlEncodedSerializer |
All properties are read/write and can be set directly:
// set default on the client:
var client = new FlurlClient("");
client.Settings.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(600);
client.Settings.Redirects.Enabled = false;
// override on the request:
var request = client.Request("endpoint");
request.Settings.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1200);
request.Settings.Redirects.Enabled = true;
You can also configure them fluently:
clientOrRequest.WithSettings(settings => {
settings.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(600);
settings.AllowedHttpStatusRange = "*";
settings.Redirects.Enabled = false;
Or even more fluently in many cases:
When using clients, requests, and fluent configuration together, you'll want to pay close attention to which objects you're configuring, as it can determine whether subsequent calls with that client are affected:
await client
.WithSettings(...) // configures the client, affects all subsequent requests
.Request("endpoint") // creates and returns a request
.WithSettings(...) // configures just this request
The clientless pattern supports all the same extension methods. Configure and send a request without ever referencing a client explicitly:
var result = await ""
.WithSettings(...) // configures just this request
.WithTimeout(...) // ditto
All of the above settings and extension methods are also available on IFlurlClientBuilder
, which is useful for configuring things at startup:
// clientless pattern, all clients:
FlurlHttp.Clients.WithDefaults(builder =>
// clientless pattern, for a specific site/service:
// DI pattern:
services.AddSingleton<IFlurlClientCache>(_ => new FlurlClientCache()
// all clients:
.WithDefaults(builder =>
// specific named client:
.Add("MyClient", "", builder =>
The fourth and final object that supports Settings
(and all the related fluent goodness) is HttpTest
, and it takes precedence over everything:
using var test = new HttpTest.AllowAnyHttpStatus();
await sut.DoThingAsync(); // no matter how things are configured in the SUT,
// test settings always win
The JsonSerializer
and UrlEncodedSerializer
settings deserve special attention. As you might expect, they control the details of (de)serializing JSON requests and responses, and URL-encoded form posts, respectively. Both implement ISerializer
, which defines 3 methods:
string Serialize(object obj);
T Deserialize<T>(string s);
T Deserialize<T>(Stream stream);
Flurl provides default implementations for both. It's very unlikely you'll need to use a different UrlEncodedSerializer
, but there's a couple reasons you may want to swap out the JsonSerializer
You prefer the Newtonsoft-based version from 3.x and earlier. (4.0 replaced this with a System.Text.Json-based version.) This is available with the Flurl.Http.Newtonsoft companion package.
You want to use the default implementation, but with custom JsonSerializerOptions. This can be accomplished by providing your own instance:
clientOrRequest.Settings.JsonSerializer = new DefaultJsonSerializer(new JsonSerializerOptions {
PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true,
IgnoreReadOnlyProperties = true
Event Handlers☍
Keeping cross-cutting concerns like logging and error handling separated from your normal logic flow often results in cleaner code. Flurl.Http defines 4 events - BeforeCall
, AfterCall
, OnError
, and OnRedirect
- and an EventHandlers
collection on IFlurlClient
, IFlurlRequest
, and IFlurlClientBuilder
. (Unlike Settings
, event handlers are not available on HttpTest
Similar to Settings
, everything with an EventHandlers
property brings with it some fluent shortcuts:
.BeforeCall(call => DoSomething(call)) // attach a synchronous handler
.OnError(call => LogErrorAsync(call)) // attach an async handler
In the example above, call
is an instance of FlurlCall
, which contains a robust set of information and options related to all aspects of the request and response:
IFlurlRequest Request
HttpRequestMessage HttpRequestMessage
string RequestBody
IFlurlResponse Response
HttpResponseMessage HttpResponseMessage
FlurlRedirect Redirect
Exception Exception
bool ExceptionHandled
DateTime StartedUtc
DateTime? EndedUtc
TimeSpan? Duration
bool Completed
bool Succeeded
fires before AfterCall
, and gives you an opportunity to decide whether to allow the exception to bubble up:
clientOrRequest.OnError(async call => {
await LogTheErrorAsync(call.Exception);
call.ExceptionHandled = true; // otherwise, the exeption will bubble up
allows precision handling of 3xx responses:
clientOrRequest.OnRedirect(call => {
if (call.Redirect.Count > 5) {
call.Redirect.Follow = false;
else {
log.WriteInfo($"redirecting from {call.Request.Url} to {call.Redirect.Url}");
call.Redirect.ChangeVerbToGet = (call.Response.Status == 301);
call.Redirect.Follow = true;
At a lower level, event handlers are objects that implement IFlurlEventHandler
, which defines 2 methods:
void Handle(FlurlEventType eventType, FlurlCall call);
Task HandleAsync(FlurlEventType eventType, FlurlCall call);
Typically you'll only need to implement one or other, so Flurl provides a default implementation, FlurlEventHanler
, that makes a handy base class - both methods are virtual no-ops, so just override the one you need. Handlers are assignable like this:
clientOrRequest.EventHandlers.Add((FlurlEventType.BeforeCall, new MyEventHandler()));
Note that EventHanlers
items are of type Tuple<EventType, IFlurlEventHandler>
. Keeping handlers decoupled from even types means a given handler could be reused for different event types.
One reason you might favor the object-based approach over the simpler lambda-based one described earlier is if you are using DI and your handlers need certain dependencies injected:
public interface IFlurlErrorLogger : IFlurlEventHandler { }
public class FlurlErrorLogger : FlurlEventHandler, IFlurlErrorLogger
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public FlurlErrorLogger(ILogger logger) {
_logger = logger;
Here's how this might be wired up using Microsoft's DI framework:
// register ILogger:
// register service that implements IFlurlEventHander and has dependency on ILogger
services.AddSingleton<IFlurlErrorLogger, FlurlErrorLogger>();
// register event handler with Flurl, using IServiceProvider to wire up dependencies:
services.AddSingleton<IFlurlClientCache>(sp => new FlurlClientCache()
.WithDefaults(builder =>
builder.EventHandlers.Add((FlurlEventType.OnError, sp.GetService<IFlurlErrorLogger>()))
Message Handlers☍
Flurl.Http is built on top of HttpClient
, which uses HttpClientHandler
(by default) for most of its heavy lifting.IFlurlClientBuilder
exposes methods for configuring both:
// clientless pattern:
FlurlHttp.Clients.WithDefaults(builder => builder
.ConfigureHttpClient(hc => ...)
.ConfigureInnerHandler(hch => {
hch.Proxy = new WebProxy("");
hch.UseProxy = true;
// DI pattern:
services.AddSingleton<IFlurlClientCache>(_ => new FlurlClientCache()
.WithDefaults(builder => builder.
.ConfigureHttpClient(hc => ...)
.ConfigureInnerHandler(hch => ...)));
A few word of caution:
- Flurl disables
in order to re-implement its own notion of these features. If you set either to true viaConfigureInnerHander
, it may break these features in Flurl. - Flurl also implements its own notions of
, likely leaving few reasons that you'd ever need to configure theHttpClient
Perhaps you've read about SocketsHttpHandler and are wondering how to use it in Flurl. You may be surprised to learn that you probably already are. As mentioned, FlurlClient
delegates most of its work to HttpClient
, which in turn delegates most of its work to HttpClientHandler
. But what's lesser known is that, since .NET Core 2.1, HttpClientHandler
delegates virtually all of its work to SocketsHttpHandler
on all platforms that support it, which is basically everything except browser-based (i.e. Blazor) platforms. (Browse the source if you need convincing.)
FlurlClient →
HttpClient →
HttpClientHandler →
SocketsHttpHandler (on all supported platforms)
Still, there is a reason that you may want to bypass HttpClientHandler
and use SocketsHttpHander
directly: some of its configurability is not available on HttpClientHandler
. So long as you don't need to support Blazor, you can do this:
// clientless pattern:
FlurlHttp.Clients.WithDefaults(builder =>
builder.UseSocketsHttpHandler(shh => {
shh.PooledConnectionLifetime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);
// DI pattern:
services.AddSingleton<IFlurlClientCache>(_ => new FlurlClientCache()
.WithDefaults(builder => builder.UseSocketsHttpHandler(shh => {
Note: Calling both ConfigureInnerHandler
and UseSocketsHttpHandler
on the same builder will result in a runtime exception. Use one or the other, never both.
The final type of message handler Flurl supports directly is DelegatingHandler, a chainable handler type commonly referred to as middleware and often implemented by third-party libraries.
// clientless pattern:
FlurlHttp.Clients.WithDefaults(builder => builder
.AddMiddleware(new MyDelegatingHandler()));
// DI pattern:
services.AddSingleton<IFlurlClientCache>(sp => new FlurlClientCache()
.WithDefaults(builder => builder
This example uses Polly, a popular resiliency library, along with configuring Flurl in a DI scenario:
using Microsoft.Extensions.Http;
var policy = Policy
services.AddSingleton<IFlurlClientCache>(_ => new FlurlClientCache()
.WithDefaults(builder => builder
.AddMiddleware(() => new PolicyHttpMessageHandler(policy))));
The above example requires installing Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Polly.
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